Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day Five

Day Five - Your Dreams

I think, finding a boyfriend, marrying the amazing guy, starting a family and all those don't count. I mean they are dreams, the kind every girl dreams of, but honestly, those can be found easily in fairy tales and movies only. The perfect ones i mean.

So here goes.

Dear DreamS
One of my dreams that I have been dreaming since highschool days, yes that long, is to open a recording studio. If not that, a music school with a recording studio. Possibly set up a Record Company too. Yes, I know its super expensive to open one with all the equipments that Ive to buy, the amount of sound pads I've to purchase to sound proof the sounds, the awesome instruments, etc, etc. And yes, I wanted to study Sound Engineering so I could learn all the tricks and all BUT my piano teacher was against it ( i hope he's not reading this) He told my mum I shouldn't. And she said no. My dad was still okay with it as he's in the engineering field BUT one of his friend who has a music business and graduated from Sound Engineering told him there's a slim chance for me, since imma girl and....POOF there went my dream of studying that. BUT, it still didn't kill my dream of opening one. I'm still dreaming okay!

since the letter said dreams, there are supposed to be more than one?

Dream number two.
To have my own Cafe. I've not come up with any names or whatsoever. I have some sort of menu written down. That includes, i can't tell you now. :P I intend to have a small area for 'mike nite' or just have some cool friends performing at certain nights. Probably name it CozyCorner or something but i think that name has already been taken. booo. The interior probably be those cozy kind. NOt too bright colours but just nice and warm. Cushions? (:

Another dream.
To at least learn how to swim. hmm i think this should be in the to-do list but having that in that kinda list never ever happened so one can learn to dream how to swim and then eventually swim magically right? hah

well, a girl can dream tons. 

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